Let your art finish itself. An odd thing often happens when I walk away from a piece — it finishes itself. Stop fudging every detail into oblivion. Let it breathe. Yes, even digital art. Especially digital art! The worst and best aspect of digital illustration is one’s ability to change the image infinitely without physically destroying it. CTRL+Z is necessary for client work and revision speed but a hindrance to making art. A more expressive and intentional line emerges when a draftsperson knows the ink mark won’t easily be erased. There is beauty in the finality, randomness, and imperfection of strokes over a textured surface. By fussing over each curve and corner, you’ll likely end up with mush. To freshen up your work, walk away. Get a coffee. Stare into the distance. When you look at the art again, the solutions will be waiting for you.